Precision in Plant Genome Editing: Utilizing CRISPR-Chip™ to Address Editing Challenges

Time: 9:45 am
day: Day One


  • Challenges in Agricultural CRISPR Editing: As we expand CRISPR’s reach in agriculture, more issues come to surface – such as diversity in crop species, varied methods and conditions of editing, and lack of speed in R&D
  • The CRISPR-Chip as a Solution: Leveraging the Cardea BPU, the CRISPR-Chip addresses challenges by interrogating various elements of CRISPR editing. The CRISPR-BIND assay allows the study of Cas-gRNA RNPs, ensuring the identification of robust complexes for secure and effective editing.
  • Reverse Strategy Validation: Through a reverse strategy study, we validate the effectiveness of the CRISPR-Chip in diverse agricultural applications. Utilizing our technology, researchers can now efficiently select optimal reagents and conditions, accelerating the R&D process and bringing CRISPR-edited products to market faster.
